Inventory of Annelida Polychaeta in Gulf of Oran (Western Algerian Coastline)

Keywords: Annelida, Polychaeta, continental shelf, Gulf of Oran, macrofauna, Hyalinoecia bilineata


         Bionomical research on the continental shelf of the Oran‘s Gulf enabled us to study the Annelida macrofauna. Sampling sites were selected according to the bathymetry, which was divided into eight transects. Collected samples with the Aberdeen grab separated the Polychaeta Annelids from other zoological groups.           1571 Annelida Polychaeta were inventoried and determined by the species, including ten orders (Amphinomida, Capitellida, Eunicida, Flabelligerida, Ophelida, Oweniida, Phyllodocidae, Sabellida, Spionida, Terebellidae), 24 families, 84 genus and 74 species.  The analyzed taxa highlighted the dominant and main species on the bottom of the Gulf, including Hyalinoecia bilineata, which appeared as the major species, Eunice vittata, Chone duneri, Glycera convoluta, Hyalinocea fauveli, Pista cristata, Lumbrinerris fragilis and Chloeia venusta.


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How to Cite
Kerfouf, A., Baaloudj, A., Kies, F., Belhadj Tahar, K., & Denis, F. (2021). Inventory of Annelida Polychaeta in Gulf of Oran (Western Algerian Coastline). Zoodiversity, 55(4). Retrieved from
Fauna and Systematics