Print ISSN: 2707-725X
Online ISSN: 2707-7268
Since 1967
Zoodiversity, Zoology, Animal Diversity, Journal, Vestnik Zoologii, Institute of Zoology, Schmalhausen, Kyiv, Ukraine
Zoodiversity is publishing original papers in all fields of zoology (except for strictly applied): fauna and systematics, ecology, ethology, descriptive and comparative morphology, physiology, zoological aspects of nature conservancy, paleozoology; the journal also includes eventual items like Information and Chronicle, Book Reviews, Field Notes, etc.
Publication language is English.
Extensive contributions may be published as supplement volumes.
Why submit
The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
Manuscripts should be submitted to Zoodiversity via the online submission system available for this journal Authors should register themselves first as new users and then upload their manuscripts. In case of any technical problems, please send your manuscript directly to Editorial Office: Galina Gorodiska (zoodiversity <> (Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine).
Manuscripts submitted to Zoodiversity should be original contributions to any aspect of zoology.
Manuscript should be of a length up to 40,000 symbols, short communications up to 3,500 symbols.
Publication language is English. Language should be clear and concise. It is anticipated that authors will make every efforts to carry out linguistic corrections before submitting the manuscript; otherwise considerable delays can be expected.
All manuscripts will be reviewed by a board of assistant editors and by at least two appropriate referees. The editors reserve the right to make textual corrections that do not alter the author's meaning.
The metric system should be used.
Manuscripts should be organized in the following order:
For acceptable style, format and layout please examine recent issues of the journal. Do not hyphenate nor justify the right-hand margin. No sentences, headings or surnames should be in capitals or small caps. Latin names of genera and species should be italicised.
The first mention of any organism must include the full scientific name with the author and the year of publication, but thereafter the author and date can be omitted and the generic name abbreviated.
Male and female symbols have to be coded as # and $, respectively.
Geographic and other names in languages where other than Latin characters are used (e. g. Armenian, Chinese, Georgian, Greek, Russian, Ukrainian etc.) should be given in the transliteration/transcription (not translation!) (and could be supplied by the original language spelling in brackets, where needed).
The authors should strictly follow requirements and recommendations of the current edition of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Alternatively, the nomenclature used should follow a recent list or other suitable work and this should be cited. The materials used should be listed in following order: type material, if examined, with exact citation of labels in primary types (holotype, lectotype or syntypes); non-type material, organized by countries or provinces either alphabetically or geographically (from North to South, from West to East) ordered: country: province (optionally): locality, coordinates and altitude (where available), ecological data (hosts, feeding substrate, etc.), date (collector second name in brackets) (abbreviation of depository); for specimens with unrecognized localities, only a full original label can be cited , as follows, for example:
Material. Type. Holotype Adapsilia griseipennis ♀: China: "Shin Kai Si / Mt Omei / Szechuen China / 4400 ft", "July 1-30 / 1921", "DCGraham / Collector" (USNM). Holotype Taeniomastix sumatrana ♀: Indonesia: "Sumatra / Nonfried S.", "Typus [pale red, Enderlein's style]", "Taeniomastix / sumatrana /Type Enderl. ♀ / Dr. Enderlein det. 19341" (ZMB); paratype Taeniomastix sumatrana, 1♀, idem, "Paratypus [pale red, Enderlein's style]", "Taeniomastix / sumatrana / Paratype Enderl. ♀ / Dr. Enderlein det. 19341" (ZMB).
Non-type. Moldova: Chisinău [46.9663137N 28.8820267E], 12.09.1987, 1♂; idem, 13.07.1987, 2♂; Balabaneşti nr. Vadul-lui-Vodă [47.0401821N 29.1376305E], 22-26.07.1988, 1♂ (V. Korneyev) (SIZK); Ukraine: Kyiv Reg.: Kyiv, 13.09.1944, 1♀ (Bilanovskiy), Maliutianka nr. Fastiv, 5.ix.1920, 1♀ (S. Paramonov) (SIZK); Cherkasy Reg.: Moshnohir'ya: Kaniv, Nature Reserve [49.7250063N 31.5322959E]: dung heap, 30.06.1957, 1♀, idem, greenhouse, 5.06.1958, 1♀, 3♀,, 2♂, 22.vii.1959, 2♀, 7♀ (O. Viktorov-Nabokov); Odesa Reg.: Ananyiv, 11.07.1921, 1♀ (S. Paramonov) (SIZK).
Non-type. China: "Shin Kai Si / Mt Omei / Szechuen China, 4000 ft", [no date], 2♀, idem, 2000-6000 ft [no date], 1 ♀ (Graham); Kwanhsien, 07.1930, 1?, idem, [no date] 1♀, "Kwan", 28.07.1930, 1 ♀ (Melander) (USNM); Laos: Vientian Province: Ban Van Eue, 15-31.05.1965, 1♀ ("native collector"); Sedone Province: Pakse, 31.05.1967, 1♀ (L. B. & S. A. Jonhson) (BBMH).
Coordinates are preferably to be given in decimal format; should the degrees, seconds or minutes to be used, use the format: 30°25'06"N 30°25'06"E. Names of collectors should be given without initials, unless different collectors with the same family name are known to exist (optionally). Abbreviations of the material depositaries are to be explained in the Material chapter. The derivation of new names should be explained in a paragraph Etymology.
Tables should each be typed on a separate page.
Large tables should be avoided. If numerous data are to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide them in two or more tables.
Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals according their sequence in the text. All tables should be referred to in the text.
Each table should have a title which will make the meaning clear without reference to the text.
Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Units of measurements should be added after comma.
Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Extra space should be left between the columns instead.
Additional explanations essential for the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the table.
All illustrations should be given in separate files.
Files of illustrations should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. References should be made in the text to each figure. The suggested positions of figures should be indicated in the manuscript.
Figures must be drawn in black ink, labeled with stenciled or pre-printed lettering or numbering in Arabic numerals large enough to allow reduction.
Photographs must be of 300 600 dpi quality. Where several photographs are to form one plate, they should be mounted in one journal page size file (125 135 × 50 190 mm).
Figures should show the reference scale bars, where relevant.
We use a modified Harvard style for references.
EndNote output style file can be found here:
References in the text should be cited by author, date (and page, plate or figure if necessary), e.g.: (Emmet & Heath, 1989a, b; Kingsolver, 1976; Warren, 1936: 145) or Warren (1936). Higgins & Riley (1978: 63, pl. 22, fig. 11) depending on the context, and should be collated in the References section in alphabetical and then in chronological order.
More than one paper by the same author in the same year should be designated: 1996a, 1996b, etc.
The following system should be used for arranging references. Each bibliographic entry in References section should contain the following in the order and with the punctuation shown:
For periodicals
Author's last name, initial(s). Year. Title. Name of the journal (in italic), volume number (in bold), (issue number, if relevant), 00-00 [inclusive pagination (from-to)]. Titles of journals should be given in complete.
Heran, J. 1979. A contribution to the problem of relative size in vertebrate morphology. Věstník Československé společnosti zoologické, 43(1), 22-29.
Reshetylo, O. S., Mykitchak, T. I. Road mortality of amphibians (Amphibia) in Lviv Region: problem status and estimating criteria. Vestnik Zoologii, 42(4): 315-323. [In Ukrainian.]
For books
Author's last name, initial(s). Year. Complete title (in italic). Edition (if applicable), Name of publisher, Location of publisher, Number of pages.
De Lattin, G. 1967. Grundriss der Zoogeographie. Gustav Fischer Vlg., Stuttgart, 1-602.
Shcherbak N. N., Golubev, M. L. 1986. Gecko fauna of the USSR and contiguous regions. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1-232. [In Russian.]
Sharpilo, V. P., Iskova, N. I. 1989. Trematodes. Plagiorchiata. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1989, 1-279. (Fauna Ukrainy. Vol. 34, iss. 3.) [In Russian.]
Chapters in books, edited symposia, special issues etc.
Author's last name, initial(s). Year. Complete title of the section. In: Authors' (or editor(s)') names and initials. Complete name of the book. Name of publisher, Location of publisher, Pages of the section cited (from-to).
Wei, L. M. 2007. Sarcophagidae. In: Li, Z. Z, Yang M. F., & Jin, D. C., eds. Insects from Leigongshan Landscape. Guizhou Science & Technology Press, Guiyang, 526-539.
Fiedler, K. 1996. Associations of lycaenid butterflies with ants in Turkey. In: Hesselbarth, G., van Oorschot, H., Wagener, S., eds. Die Tagfalter der Türkei. Vlg. S. Wagener, Bocholt, 437-450.
Manton, S. M. 1959. Functional morphology and taxonomic problems of Arthropoda. In: Cain, A. J., ed. Function and taxonomic importance. The Systematics Association, London, 23-32. (Systematics Association publication no 3.)
Authors are responsible for accuracy and completeness of citations. For more information please examine the current journal issue or contact the editor. Papers not conforming to the above requirements are liable to be returned to the authors.
Print ISSN: 2707-725X
Online ISSN: 2707-7268
Since 1967