First Report of Arthropod Fauna in Flooded Plains of Northern Patagonia (38° S, Araucania Region Chile)
In northern Patagonia there is a kind of water bodies characterized because these are flooded plains called “vegas” that are originated by strong rains, that have submersed vegetation that are sustain of aquatic insect and crustaceans, included burrowing crayfishes of Parastacus genus. The aim of the present study was do a first description of community structure of three of these water bodies. The results revealed the existence of seven species for a site with Parastacus pugnax Poeppig, 1835, whereas in sites with P. pugnax absence were one and three species. The null model niche sharing model revealed niche sharing absence due interspecific absence. This is the description of this kind of habitat, and it would have marked heterogeneity, that would be due specific micro-environmental variations.
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