Description of the Puparium and Redescription of the Third-Instar Larva of Brachyopa panzeri (Diptera, Syrphidae) with New Data on its Biology
In this study, we report the rearing of Brachyopa panzeri from larva and elucidate its life circle with a duration of the pupal stage for the first time. We described the puparium of B. panzeri which morphology was unknown to the current study. The study on the larva of B. panzeri showed discrepancies between our observations and its original description. These allowed us to redescribe the larva, explaining the uncertainties that have existed in the literature since the description of the larva. We clarified larval morphology and proposed new characters for its identification with the map of chetotaxy. Morphological features of larva and pupa were illustrated using both light and electron microscopy. Additionally, we reared endoparasitoid wasp Tetrastichus brachyopae Graham, 1991 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) from B. panzeri for the first time. Moreover, T. brachyopae is a new species for Ukraine.
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