The Genus Atheta (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) in the Ukrainian Carpathians

Keywords: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Atheta, new records, Ukraine, Carpathians


The Carpathian species of the genus Atheta Thomson, 1858 are reviewed. The list contains 65 species, of which 8 species: Atheta kochi Roubal, 1937, A. intermedia (Thomson, 1852), A. setigera (Sharp, 1869), A. foveicollis (Kraatz, 1856), A. luctuosa (Mulsant & Rey, 1853), A. cribrata (Kraatz, 1856), A. mortuorum Thomson, 1867, A. picipes (Thomson, 1856), are recorded for Ukraine for the first time. Species composition, data on bionomics and distribution genus Atheta in the studied region are discussed.


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How to Cite
Glotov, S., Hushtan, K., Hushtan, H., Koval, N., & Diedus, V. (2022). The Genus Atheta (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Zoodiversity, 56(2).
Fauna and Systematics