Barilius kamjongensis, a New Bariliine Fish (Danionidae, Danioninae) from the Chindwin Basin of Manipur, India

Keywords: Barilius kamjongensis sp. nov, Chindwin basin, Manipur


A new bariline fish, Barilius kamjongensis is decribed from Kamjong district, the Chindwin basin of Manipur, India. It can be distinguished from its congeners in having a body with 2 pairs of barbels, 16–19 predorsal scales, 12–15 body bars, 40–43 perforated lateral line scales, 7.5/2.5 lateral line transverse scales, origin of dorsal-fin closed to base of caudal-fin, pectoral-fin shorter than head length, body depth at dorsal-fin origin 22.8–26.6 % SL, caudal peduncle depth 8.5–10.3 % SL, predorsal length 55.8–57.7 % SL, head length 23.4–25.4 % SL, head length at occiput 12.5–18.4 % SL and 75.7–77.8 % HL, eye diameter 6.4–7.9 % SL and 26.0–33.6 % HL, narrow head 10.4–12.7 % SL and inter bars of body wider than bars respectively. A key to the species genus Barilius found from the Chindwin basin of Manipur is provided.


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How to Cite
Arunkumar, L., Thoibi, M., & Jajo, E. (2022). Barilius kamjongensis, a New Bariliine Fish (Danionidae, Danioninae) from the Chindwin Basin of Manipur, India. Zoodiversity, 57(1).