Is It More Visible from Above? Comparison of the Effectiveness of Methods for Locating the Bobak Marmot Marmota bobak (Rodentia, Sciuridae) Burrows in Ukraine

Keywords: burrowing mammals, remote sensing, spatial distribution, UAV, Ukraine


Burrow systems detection is a reliable method for counting Bobak marmots. We compared the effectiveness and labour costs of three methods of burrow detection: ground survey, unmanned aerial vehicle survey and satellite survey. The research was conducted in 2021 (Kyiv region). Ground surveys mapped 42 (12 main and 24 secondary) burrows, while UAV imagery identified 45 burrows. The proportion of burrows detected by satellite imagery was 48 % of the number of burrows mapped by the ground survey. Secondary burrows were more difficult to detect than main burrows. The largest area of marmot family group territories was calculated from UAV data (0.27 and 0.08 ha), the smallest from satellite imagery data (0.11 and 0.01 ha). To obtain complete information on marmot colonies, it is best to use either UAV surveys or traditional ground surveys. If it is necessary to find potential areas where animals may live, or to estimate their distribution, then the best option for detecting burrows is the analysis of satellite imagery. The most promising approach is to study colonial burrowing mammals using a combination of ground and remote sensing methods. This provides the opportunity to obtain different types of data.


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How to Cite
Brusentsova, N., & Vasyliuk, O. (2024). Is It More Visible from Above? Comparison of the Effectiveness of Methods for Locating the Bobak Marmot Marmota bobak (Rodentia, Sciuridae) Burrows in Ukraine. Zoodiversity, 58(5).