Current Issue

Vol. 58 No. 5 (2024): Zoodiversity

Megarhyssa perlata (Christ, 1791). Photograph on the cover by O. Varga.

Published: 2024-10-17


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"Zoodiversity" is new name of "Vestnik Zoologii" which was published for 1967-2019.

"Zoodiversity" is publishing original papers in all fields of zoology (except for strictly applied): fauna and systematics, ecology, ethology, descriptive and comparative morphology, physiology, zoological aspects of nature conservancy. Detailed information about the Journal

Frequency: bimonthly

Publication language is English.

Extensive contributions may be published as supplement volumes.

Why subscribe and read

  • high-quality papers in all fields of faunistics and animal systematics, ecology, ethology, morphology, and physiology, as well as zoological aspects of nature conservancy;
  • the best papers by the authors from Central and Eastern Europe and adjusting countries, covering various aspects of zoological sciences in that region;
  • comprehensive papers by the zoologists from all over the world.

Why submit

  • peer-reviewed;
  • language improvement for English articles;
  • no page charge for publishing;
  • free e-reprint upon publication;
  • abstracts and excerpts of all papers are available free online;
  • colour illustrations free of charge in the e-reprints.